Before you seek for Attestation services for UAE Visa you will have to leave your biases back home!
You cannot compare Dubai to any other city in the world. It is uniquely different and packed with life, surprises, and oodles of energy. Here are tips to help you get ready for living in this wonderful city.
Be Ready to Hustle
The word hustle is part of the daily activities in Dubai. The residents are always busy – day and night! When you reach here you won’t be any different from the way you handle routines and errands will make you earn more.
Friday and Saturday are Weekends
Being an Islamic city the locals and expat Muslims worship on Friday. Then Saturday is a normal weekend. Adapting to this might be difficult in the beginning but with time you will just be fine.
A High Cost of Living
The costs of rent and food are high in Dubai. This explains why salaries are higher and people are always on the move to make more money. So if you thought the big salary will accumulate faster to buy a Lamborghini you need to refresh your mind because that is not always how things are.
Follow the Law
Rules and regulations are taken seriously in Dubai. If you break any law, be sure you will get penalized and even worse be deported. Some of the laws might seem ridiculous, like showing affection publicly and taking photos of strangers is unacceptable. You, therefore, need to be informed and stick to the law as required.
Make International Friendships
It is obvious that Dubai is concentrated with people from all over the world. In fact, 80 percent of the population is expats. Having an open mind will help you interact with people from all nationalities and cultures. Respect everyone. Don’t be racist.
Learn Arabic
This is not a necessity because the majority of people here speak English. However, you need to learn and practice some basic Arabic language to interact better with locals and have an edge when looking for jobs.
Construction is Continuous in Dubai
You should expect to see cranes and buildings under construction. This is meant to accommodate more people and investments. You will have to bear with route obstructions from time to time.
You can Only Understand Dubai When Here
Understanding Dubai is only possible when you are here in Dubai. You cannot get explanations, descriptions, and pictures that fully show what it is.
It is Hot!
Dubai is in the middle of a desert and therefore temperatures as high as 40 degrees Celsius are common during the day.
However, air conditioning is present in every facility.
Brunching is Common
Locals love brunch and you might find yourself scampering for the same sooner than you think.
Traffic is Allover
This might be surprising to people from developed countries. You should know that majority of the roads are only two lanes.
No Boredom
Apart from hustling, this city is quite fun, chaotic, crazy meaning every moment is covered with an activity leaving no room for boredom. Seek for Attestation services for UAE Visa to enjoy every moment in Dubai.