With a sound approach to the job search, you can find a turning point in your life in the form of a new job that you could find in Dubai. If you are looking to find work in Dubai, it is extremely important to know that thousands of other workers from around the world come to Dubai every year to go after the same opportunities as you would. The search for a new job in Dubai can be very simple, so long as you plan, ahead and focus on each of the following steps:
Plan your visit to Dubai.
Visiting Dubai is the most important part of finding a job there. Timing is key, though. We recommend that you visit during the months of February to May or August to November. These are usually the times of year where there are most job vacancies and opportunities for foreign workers. If you visit Dubai during any other month, you will find it to be a rather slow month in terms of scouting and hiring new employees. Plan your trip accordingly, book your flight months in advance and make sure you have all the credentials necessary to stay in Dubai for some period, of time.
Browse job search websites.
There are many contacts in Dubai that you can look at the internet for online job vacancies. You can also have recruiters view your resume and portfolio on websites such as Bayt, Dubai Classified, Dubizzle, and Expatriates. Have a good resume that promotes your top qualities. Mentioning your visa status is also a plus point.
Start degree attestation.
When you start looking for jobs in Dubai, you will need degree and birth certificate attestation for UAE. An attestation firm can help you get all your documents in hand and can give you the attestations that you need for your degree certificates without any hoops to jump through.
Stay active in your job search.
While seeing sights across Dubai can be tempting, it is always important to stay posted on current job updates and new job postings. Apply for 4 jobs a day at the very least, either online or in person. The best times of day in which you can apply for jobs include the following:
6 AM to 7 AM
Noon to 1 PM
5 PM to 6 PM
At Midnight.
All times are in GST (Gulf Standard Time).
These are the most likely times that recruiters will review your resume. They also will be the best times in which a recruiter might call you back to schedule an interview. More often, than not you will be summoned for a walk-in interview. In the case that you get called for interviews, in-person or by phone, schedule other activities in Dubai on a light basis. If by chance you are not called back, you can call their place of business and ask for updates on the job in question.
Plan your stay.
When hired, you should know how much you will be making annually. You should use this salary to determine what you can afford to pay for a living space. It is also important to factor in food and other accommodation costs. Some jobs may even credit you in between 3000 to 4000 AED for a place to live as you start out.
If you want to come to Dubai to either look for jobs or come for the attractions, it is recommended that you complete birth certificate attestation for UAE in your home country first. This will save you money, and time for when it is time to travel.